MainWaterBeloyarsk water reservoir (42 km2)

Beloyarsk water reservoir (42 km2)

Beloyarsk water reservoir

Beloyarsk Reservoir is situated on the territory of Sverdlovsky region.
The main consumer of the water is Beloyarsk nuclear power plant, which uses it as the source of water applied in cooling systems. At the same time the station utilizes waste, warm water, which leads to intensive eutrophication of the reservoir. In 2010 the station authority suggested to make biological rehabilitation of Beloyarsk Reservoir by means of algocenosis correction and in March, 2010 they started working. Next year works on biological rehabilitation by means of algocenosis correction were continued (Figure 1)
                                                                                                                Figure 1

The results of OPRI calculation are in schedule 1. One can see that the most affected to pollution is point #4. It can be explained by the placement in the of Cheremshan swamp. The least polluted is the area of sampling point #6 because of its territorial closeness to the place of falling into the Pyshma. On the whole, we can say that eventually there is a total tendency to ORPI decreasing.

Table #1 – ORPI changes in sampling points in Beloyarsk Resrvoir during 2010-2011.

   # point   April    May   June    July   August September   October





 1  11,3   25,8  18,1  8,2  21,5   7,1   24,3  8,3  21,0   16,9  26,3 15,4   18,5  14,1
 2  12,0  24,0   19,6  11,5  11,1  9,0  16,6  8,1  14,6  10,6  20,0  9,2  14,8  7,9
 3  9,0  27,7  8,0  10,6  16,8  9,1  17,2  8,3  12,3  13,2  22,8  11,8  13,4  10,5
 4  32,0  20,0  11,7  23,1  19,3  21,5  14,1  19,9   19,6  10,2  28,7  9,4  17,4  9,5
 5  31,9  18,4  10,6  14,0  40,3  13,2  16,4 12,0   29,1  12,9  16,1  11,6  15,7  10,3
 6  22,7    13,2  6,2  41,7  6,8  19,1 6,4   29,4  21,4  18,7  19,4  14,0  16,5

     Besides, there was held an investigation of algocenosis structure. In a form of circular diagrams (figures 2, 3), which cover algae complex in a sampling point #3 in 2010, 2011, positive algolization influence on ecological water condition is shown. The monitoring point is the most demonstrative as it arranged in low waters.

Figure 2                                                                                                  Figure 3

So, investigation of ecological hydro-chemical and ecological hydro-biological indexes of Beloyarsk Reservoir waters allowed to fix the range of its quality and quantity changes during 3 years. In particular here is fixed improvement of situation with heavy metals, which is expressed in decreasing of total iron and zinc concentration more than by 10%. Nitrate concentration reduces more than by 10%. The quantity of biochemical Oxygen consumption (BOC5), according to the data of the same index in 2010, is increasing by 10-50%. Saprobity index reduces, which shows ecological condition progress. 

For the first time of 30-year existence of Beloyarsk Reservoir there wasn’t algae “bloom” in 2010 and 2011. Also pathogenic micro flora vanished, the water is rich with oxygen, its high transparency is noted. Moreover there is no unpleasant smell, which is caused by decomposing cyanobacteria, and here are created good conditions for whitebait living. All these significantly developed recreation potential of the reservoir, which caused a positive response from the citizens of town Zarechny (figure 4).

Figure 4. Swimming in Beloyarsk reservoir in July 2011

In 2012 and 2013, work was continued on the reservoir.
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