Lenevsk Reservoir (23 km2) and Nizhny Tagil Municipal Pond (7,8 km2)

The described reservoirs are situated on the territory of Sverdlovsk region. The main consumer of the water is EURAZ Nizhny Tagil metallurgical factory, which uses the reservoirs as sources of water. At the same time the factory has a man-made influence on Nizhny Tagil Municipal Pond, polluting it with heavy metals and petrochemicals. That’s why the company authority decided to make biological rehabilitation and there was taken place the first algolization of Nizhny Tagil Municipal Pond. In 2011 algolization works continued. Using ORPI allowed to evaluate geo-ecological water condition progress. Graphic images of ORPI changes is shown in figures 1-7.

Figure 1 Figure 2

Figure 3 Figure 4

Figure 5 Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8 Figure 9

Figure 10 Figure 11

Figure 12 Figure 13

Figure 14
According to the submitted schedule there is ORPI reduction during the year in all the monitoring points. This shows logical annual dynamics of pollutants (heavy metals) concentration reduction, as they are major contributors to this reservoir pollution.
Algae biomass percentage in low waters of Lenevsk Reservoir, which is shown in Figure 15, demonstrates the use of algolization.

Figure 15
So, in comparison with 2010 in 2011 concentration of such heavy metals as iron and manganese shrinks. Content of described pollutants in Lenevsk reservoir also tends to reducing during the year. Petrochemical concentration in both reservoirs doesn’t exceed ACL (Allowed Concentration Limits) (0,05mg/l) and tends to decreasing. Also it should be noted that in the result of Nizhnyn Tagil Municipal Pond algolization in 2010-2011 algocenosis correction in favor of diatomic and green algae occurred. Cyanobacterium fully vanished. In the result of Lenevsk Reservoir algolization in 2011 cyanobacterium are presented by one form: Synechococcus aquauatilis which doesn’t cause water “bloom”.